In this article, Tracdiaso would like to share with you the basic information about geodetic works and the layout of works when taking geodetic measurements.

What is a project layout?

Work layout is a geodetic work performed on the ground to determine the position of the site and the elevation of points, straight lines and characteristic planes of the construction work according to the design.

The content of the layout work is the opposite of the measurement and mapping work. When measuring and drawing maps, in the field people measure the ground, then process the measurement data to draw on the map. As for the layout of the work, in the room, based on the design, calculate the necessary layout data, then use machines and surveying tools to locate the work on the ground according to the design.


The accuracy of plotting depends on the scale of the map, and the accuracy of the layout of the work depends on the design documents. The accuracy of the work layout is often higher than the accuracy of measuring angles and lengths between markers in the field. In the construction work, usually given a direction or a point, the direction and other points are found by setting the design angle and distance. Therefore, it is often difficult to apply the measurement method many times in the construction layout.

The basis for performing the work arrangement

The geometric basis for implementing the layout of the work is the vertical and horizontal axes of the work, including:

– The main axis (4-4) is the symmetry of the building. For example: The main axis of a house is its symmetry axis, and the main axis of linear buildings is the vertical axis of that building.

– Auxiliary axis (2-2, 6-6) is the axis of symmetry of parts, separate parts of the work. Only large constructions with complex shapes have auxiliary shafts.

– The basic axis is the axis that surrounds the general shape of the building.

– The vertical axis is the vertical axis of the building, usually denoted by uppercase Latin letters (AA, BB…).

– Horizontal axis is the horizontal axis of the building, usually denoted by Arabic numerals (1-1, 2-2…).

– Mounting points are points located on the axes but usually points outside the scope of the building, they are used to fix the axes on the ground. The base 0 is the height of the original plan, which is usually chosen as the ground floor of the first floor.


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